Wednesday, February 11, 2015

20150211 Today's Arabic Words


From today's BBC News in Arabic:

بورما تلغي حقوق تصويت مسلمي الروهينغا عقب احتجاجات


The words and phrases below come from the above linked article.


 مسلمي الروهينغا

Muslim Rohingya


 وذلك في أعقاب احتجاجات ضد منحهم هذا الحق

in the wake of protests against the granting of this right

lit: (and that) in the wake (aftermath) of the protests against granting them this right






خرجوا في مظاهرات احتجاجية

  (they) came out in protests


رفضا لتمرير قانون

 rejecting the passage of a law


يسمح للسكان المؤقتين . . .  بالتصويت في الانتخابات

  allowing the temporary residents . . . to vote in the elections

lit: it allows the temporary residents . . . to vote in the elections


في بورما - المعروفة أيضا باسم ميانمار

 in Burma - also known as Myanmar


لكن الحكومة لا تعبترهم مواطنين يتمتعون بكامل الحقوق

 but the government doesn't consider them to be citizens with full rights

lit: but the govt. doesn't consider them citizens enjoying all of the rights


