Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Game is Simple...

All of the vocabulary and phrases below come from the article linked above.  
I'm still working on the best ways to translate a few of the phrases in this one.

اللعبة بسيطة - إن كل اوامر القصف والهجوم كانت تحوم في الهواء - وكل طائر يمر عبر المحيط تدخل بياناته في هذا الشيء

The game is simple
All of the bombing and attack orders 
were floating in the air 
and every pilot that flies across the ocean 
enters his (flight) data in this thing.

بهذه السطور تُختصر حقيقة حرب عاشت فصولها البشرية كما عاشتها أوروبا وبريطانيا في صراعها الدامي ضد النازية إبان الحرب العالمية الثانية

  With these lines
 the reality of the human chapters,
as they were being lived out in Europe and Britain
during their bloody battle against the Nazis in WWII
are summed up.

 لندن تجد نفسه أرضا وبشرا وسماءً تحت رحمة رسائل مُشفرّة تصدرها آلة الحرب النازية فتقصف ساعة تشاء وتهاجم ساعة تشاء وتخرب وتدمر وسط هلع القادة الإنجلي وسعيهم للحاق بهذا الغول الذي دمّر بلادهم

London found itself, 
its lands, its people, and its skies
 at the mercy of encrypted messages
which were sent out by the Nazi war machine,
as it was bombing, attacking
devastating and destroying at will,
In the midst of this chaos, 
was the English command's quest 
to deal with this ghoul 
that was destroying their country.
